
20051864 Kim Heejae

During this semester, I have learned various knowledge and thoughts in teaching second language. Frankly, T thought that I had had a good reading ability, but it seemed not enough to teach second language in classroom. Thus, this class was the chance not only to get new knowledge in L2, but also to develop a system of knowledge I had already known. Also, I was surprised at lots of skills and strategies in second language reading. However, these helped me to improve my English reading proficiency. Above all the rest, intensive and extensive reading parts make me to reconsider the view of second language reading.

On reflection in my secondary school ages, most teachers focused on intensive reading in English reading class. Korean educational context aims at entering university, intensive reading in accuracy is very essential. Though Korean teachers had the limitation of class time and class circumstance, it made us tired of English reading. Moreover, intensive reading class utilize grammar translation method, this is the cause students to lose their motivation and interest.

During taking this class, I thought that the balance between intensive and extensive reading. Extensive reading focuses on enjoyment and information, and it also seeks faster reading. By balancing of extensive and intensive, we can decrease the shortcomings of them. For example, there are reading speed and evaluation. Moreover, I think the most important problem is the losing motivation to student, the harmony of two views can solve this problem.

Effective reading is an important factor in academic area. Before I took this class, I didn’t use various skills and strategies. Frankly, I didn’t recognize the importance of them. It was ashamed myself who major in English education. This class means the self-reflection of achievement in my university academic life. And, I think that there isn’t the best solution in teaching second language. Teachers need not only to supplement shortcomings, and but also to maximize merits. Though this class, I developed the theoretical basement, and I will use various skills and strategies in teaching practicum.


1 Response so far.

  1. Dear Heejae

    I am glad to hear that you could improve your own reading skills as well as teaching reading knowledge. Good reflection.

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